Instructors assign a grade in each course for which the student is registered.
A+ ……………………………. 4.0 Excellent:
A .…………………………….. 4.0 Indicates work of a
A- ……………………………. 3.7 superior quality.
B+ ……………..…………….. 3.3 Good:
B ……………………………. 3.0 Indicates better than
B-……………………………. 2.7 average work.
C+ …………………..……….. 2.3 Satisfactory:
C ……………………………. 2.0 Indicates average
C- ……………………………. 1.7 work.
D+ …………………………… 1.3 Poor:
D …………………………….. 1.0 Indicates below
D- …………………………… 0.7 average work.
F …………………………….. 0 Failing:
No credit given. Assigned to students who
fail to earn a passing grade or who stop
attending a class without withdrawing.
W………………Withdrawn: Assigned to students who withdraw from a
course before a grade can be given.
WP……………. Withdrawn Passing: Assigned to students who officially
withdraw from a course and who are doing passing work
at the time of withdrawal.
WF……………..Withdrawn Failing: Assigned to students who officially
withdraw from a course and are not passing at the time of
I………………. Incomplete: Assigned with the approval of the instructor
when some work has not been completed but is forth-
coming. The grade of “I” automatically becomes an “F”
if work is not completed by the end of the next quarter.
AU……………..Audit: Signifies that the student has attended classes on a
regular basis.
AUNR…………..Audit: No Recognition: Assigned when a student auditing
a course fails to attend at least 60% of the class meetings.