Classes Autumn 2024

John Leland Baptist College
1300 Mt. Vernon Dr. Georgetown, KY 40325
Phone: 502.316.8154
Classes Begin: September 24th
Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 24 – 30 no classes
Classes End: December 3rd
Final Exams: December 10th 
Please note that we are on the quarter hour system. This means that the school term is 10 weeks in length with a final exam on the 11th week. For more information see “Quarter System” in our online catalog under “Academics.” 
ENG 101 Research and Writing. (3 Credit Hours)
Instructor: Janet Miller, B.A.
On-Line: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Course Description: This course is designed to teach the student how to properly research and write a formal college research paper. The student will be allowed to research a subject of his or her own choice (with the approval of the instructor) and will then be guided step by step through the process of writing a formal academic paper. The student will be helped in matters of proper writing style and English grammar.
Note: This course is a requirement for all undergraduate and institute level degrees at Leland.
Please Note: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration Deadline: It is best to register a week early, but you can register at the door. Come early.
OT210 Studies in the Pentateuch (Undergraduate Students) (3 Credit Hours)
OT510 Studies in the Pentateuch (Graduate Students) (3 Credit Hours)
Instructor: Bro. David Prewitt, B.S, M.B.A., M.A. Bro. Prewitt, along with other duties has long been the adult Sunday School teacher at Grace Baptist Church in Georgetown. He completed his college degree at Indiana University and his Master of Business Administration at the University of Kentucky. M.A. in Biblical Studies at John Leland.
Course Description: This is part one of a seven-part series of 200 level courses which takes the student through the entire Bible. This Old and New Testament series are content courses designed to give the student the most thorough and strategic grasp of the first five books of the Old Testament—the Pentateuch. The student will not only master the "5 W's" of each book (who, what, where, when, and why) but will be exposed to every significant and substantive matter that can be crammed into a three Semester hour course. The topics and subjects that are treated in this series of courses cover such things as Basic Content, The Historical and Geographical Settings, Difficult Verses and Passages, Bible Manners and Customs, Weights and Measures, Time Line Construction, Important People, Pagan Religions and Practices, Important Hebrew Words, Theological Concepts, and Archeology. Given that these are content courses, no research paper will be required.
Please Note: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration DeadlineIt is best to register a week early.
TH 201 Bible Doctrines I (Undergraduate Students) (3 Credit Hours)   
TH 501 Systematic Theology I (Graduate Students) (3 Credit Hours)  
Instructor: Bro. Doug Meadows
On-Line: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Course Description: This class is part one of three courses in the study of theology.  This course involves the systematic arrangement of the doctrines of the Bible and seeks to show and harmonize their inter-relationship with other Bible doctrines.  This course will motivate the student to gain a mastery of all the most important doctrines of the Bible through a careful and in-depth study of the classic textbook, A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrines by T.P. Simmons.
Please Note: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration DeadlineIt is best to register a week early.
We believe that no one should graduate from a Bible college without some appreciation and understanding of the languages God used to give us His word. As the titles below state, these language courses are an introduction to the study of Biblical Greek and Biblical Hebrew. They will fully acquaint the student with the fundamentals of these important languages. Having completed this course, should the student choose, he or she will be more than prepared to go on to GK 201. This course is required for all programs.
GK 101 An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Greek (3 Credit Hours)
Instructor: Bro. Bill Van Nunen
Textbook: Essentials of New Testament Greek, by Ray Summers; revised by Thomas Sawyer (Broadman & Holman: 1995).
Meeting: Correspondence
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide a rudimentary introduction to the study of Biblical Greek. It is designed to give students an appreciation of Biblical Greek much like one gets in a music or art appreciation course.
Nota Bene: Please note that this is not conversational Greek—Biblical Greek is no longer a “spoken language.”
Required Course: This is a required course for all programs at John Leland Baptist College. We are first and foremost a college of the Bible; and therefore, it is the college’s belief that no one should graduate from a Bible college without some knowledge and appreciation of the language God chose to give the nation of Israel his Holy Word. 
Prerequisites: None. This course begins by assuming the student knows absolutely nothing about ancient Greek or any other ancient or modern language. This course is a prerequisite for GK 201.
Class Meetings: There are, of course, no class meetings, but classes begin on Tuesday; therefore, all homework assignments (unless otherwise stated) will be due the following Tuesday by 9:00 PM. Late work will be penalized.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration DeadlineIt is best to register a week early.
HEB 101 Introductory Survey of Biblical Hebrew (3 Credit hours)
HEB 101G Introductory Survey of Biblical Hebrew (Graduate Students)
Instructor: Wm. Van Nunen.
Telephone: 502-316-8154
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide a rudimentary introduction to the study of Biblical Hebrew. It is designed to give students an appreciation of Biblical Hebrew much like one gets in a music or art appreciation course.
Nota Bene: Please note that this is not conversational Hebrew—Biblical Hebrew is no longer a “spoken language.”
Required Course: This is a required course for all programs at John Leland Baptist College. We are first and foremost a college of the Bible; and therefore, it is the college’s belief that no one should graduate from a Bible college without some knowledge and appreciation of the language God chose to give the nation of Israel his Holy Word.  
Prerequisites: None. This course begins by assuming the student knows absolutely nothing about ancient Hebrew or any other foreign or modern language. This course is a prerequisite for Heb. 201.
Class Meetings: There are, of course, no class meetings, but classes begin on Tuesday; therefore, all homework assignments (unless otherwise stated) will be due the following Tuesday by 9:00 PM. Late work will be penalized.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration DeadlineIt is best to register a week early.
PS 201 The United States Constitution (3 Credit Hours)
Instructor: Philip duBarry, B.S., B.R.E., M.A.
Format: Textbook/DVD.
Course Discription: This course will examine the United States Constitution in some detail, including many important historical and contemporary issues surrounding the document. Students will additionally be challenged to consider how the Constitution affects their experience of Christianity in America.
Please Note: Must have Windows 2010 or newer operating system.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration DeadlineIt is best to register a week early.
MA 101 An Introduction to College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)
Instructor: Faculty
Format: DVD.
Please Note: Three hours of mathematics is required for graduation.
Course Description: This course is intended for students who have mastered the fundamentals of Arithmetic. The student will become familiar with the terminology and symbolic nature of first year algebra and will understand how to represent linear, quadratic, rational, and radical functions using algebraic rules, tables of data, and graphs.
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration Deadline: It is best to register a week early.
TH 490 Independent Study in Theology (3-5 Credit Hours)
TH 690 Independent Study in Theology (Graduate Students)
Instructor: Faculty 
Course Content: This course allows the student to do independent research in some area of Theology of his or her choosing under the supervision of the professor. The course essentially consists of the student choosing a theological topic, subject, doctrine, etc. (approved by the professor), the reading and study of assigned books and other materials, and the writing of a formal research paper according to the guidelines of the college. For example, the student could choose to do an in-depth research paper on the Doctrine of the Church, the Deity of Christ, or the Trinity. Apart from the knowledge one gains from doing this kind of research, one of the greatest benefits of this format is the direct personal access to the professional writing guidance of the teacher. All research papers are required to be written and formatted according to the guidelines of A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 8th Ed., by Kate L. Turabian.
Prerequisite: Undergraduates: Junior standing. Completed TH 201, 202, 203 and ENG 101 taken at John Leland; Graduate Students: ENG 101 or HIS 501 taken at JLBC and permission of the instructor.
Note: While the normal length of a quarter is ten weeks with the final exam on the eleventh week, students taking this class may take up to fifteen weeks to complete the course.
Note: The student can take this course for 3-5 credit hours. The difference in the credit hours is proportionate to the length and depth of the research paper.    
Registration: To register simply contact the school via email or phone.
Registration Deadline: It is best to register a week early.
All books are read under the supervision of a Reading Mentor; Mentors consist mostly of faculty members and upper-level graduate students. Upon registering for a Summary and Review course, the student will be given instructions on how to proceed. The student may be evaluated in any number of different ways. The student may be required to write a Summary or Review; in some cases, the Mentor may draw up some brief questions for each chapter to be answered by the student or be asked to take some brief notes of the most important matters while reading the book and to submit them on a weekly basis to the Mentor. And in other cases, the Mentor may wish to simply hold regular discussions with the student about the book as he or she reads it. At any rate, it will be left up to the Mentor on how best to evaluate whether the student has completed the readings faithfully.   
TH 361/561 Readings in Theology.
The Sovereignty of God, A. W. Pink. (Required Reading: 1 Credit Hour.) 
OT 361/561 Readings in the Old Testament.
Gleanings in Genesis, Authur W. Pink. (1 Credit Hour.) 
OT 362/562 Readings in the Old Testament.
Noah’s Three Sons, Arthur C. Custance. (1 Credit Hour)  
HIS 361/561 Readings: Baptist Missionaries, William Carey.
William Carey (The father of modern missions). Written by S Pearce Carey. Printed by the Wakeman Trust, London. 400+ pages. This particular edition has been edited by Peter Masters. Students are allowed to purchase their own book but be careful to get the correct edition. (Required:1 Credit Hour)  
HIS 362/562 Readings: Baptist Missionaries, Adoniram Judson.
To the Golden Shore, Courtney Anderson. This is a biography of Adoniram Judson and is generally considered to be the best biography of this great Baptist missionary. (Required: 1 Credit Hour) 
HIS 363/563 Readings in Baptist History.
Theologians of the Baptist Tradition, revised edition, by Timothy George and David S. Dockery. (1 Credit Hour.)   
HIS 364/564 Readings in Baptist History.
Spurgeon, A Biography, Arnold A. Dallimore. (1 Credit Hour) 
PH 361/561 Readings in Philosophy
How Shall We Then Live, (1976) Francis Schaeffer. (1 Credit Hour)
BS 361/561 Readings in Christian Psychology.
The New Dare to Discipline, (1992) James Dobson. (1 Credit Hour)
BS 362/562 Readings in Christian Psychology
Love Must Be Tough, (1996) James Dobson. (1 Credit Hour)
SC 361/561 Readings in Creation Science.
1. The World that Perished, 3rd edition, revised, John C. Whitcomb. (1 Credit Hour)
SC 362/562 Readings in Creation Science.
2. The Early Earth, 3rd edition revised, John C. Whitcomb. (1 Credit Hour)
Introduction: At John Leland College we believe that nothing is more important than the careful and meditative reading of God’s word. Every student is required to carefully and completely read the Bible in its entirety. This series of Readings and Reflections is a graduation requirement for all programs at Leland. You will have other Bible reading assignments in classes throughout your studies at Leland, but this series of Readings and Reflections will assure us that you have at least one time carefully read and contemplated the entire Word of God. This requirement must be completed by the end of your sophomore year in order to continue your studies at Leland. 
Procedure: The student is free to complete this reading in any order he or she chooses, but it is generally more profitable to complete these readings when taking the corresponding “Survey” courses.    
Undergraduate Readings and Reflections Course Numbers 
OT 101 Readings and Reflections: Pentateuch. (1 Credit Hour)  
OT 102 Readings and Reflections: Historical Books. (1 Credit Hour)  
OT 103 Readings and Reflections: Poetical Books. (1 Credit Hour)  
OT 104 Readings and Reflections: The Prophets. (1 Credit Hour)   
NT 101 Readings and Reflections: Matthew—Luke. (1 Credit Hour)   
NT 102 Readings and Reflections: John—1 Corinthians. (1 Credit Hour)  
NT 103 Readings and Reflections: 2 Corinthians—Revelation. (1 Credit Hour) 
Graduate Readings and Reflections Course Numbers 
OT 501 Readings and Reflections: Pentateuch. (1 Credit Hour) 
OT 502 Readings and Reflections: Historical Books. (1 Credit Hour)  
OT 503 Readings and Reflections: Poetical Books. (1 Credit Hour)
OT 504 Readings and Reflections: The Prophets. (1 Credit Hour)
NT 501 Readings and Reflections: Matthew—Luke. (1 Credit Hour)   
NT 502 Readings and Reflections: John—1 Corinthians. (1 Credit Hour) 


NT 503 Readings and Reflections: 2 Corinthians—Revelation. (1 Credit Hour)